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Congregation at Prayer: Trinity 24

The Congregation at Prayer

A guide for daily meditation and prayer

Trinity 24


In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Apostle’s Creed Catechism on pg. 15, and inside back cover of LSB

Psalm Psalm 126

Daily Readings (Also found in LSB on pg. 299)


Old Testament

New Testament


Jeremiah 23:21-40

Matthew 25:31-46


Jeremiah 25:1-18

Matthew 26:1-19


Jeremiah 26:1-19

Matthew 26:20-35


Jeremiah 29:1-19

Matthew 26:36-56


Jeremiah 30:1-24

Matthew 26:57-75


Jeremiah 31:1-17, 23-24

Matthew 27:1-10


Jeremiah 33:1-22

Matthew 27:11-32

Catechism: The Apostles Creed – The Second Article

Hymn In the Very Midst of Life LSB 755


In Our Prayers This Week

Gary Sorensen, Don Mueller (Jamie Andrews’ grandfather), Dorothy Berger, David Serkowski (friend of the Sorensens), Howard Thiel, Matt Kruse, Sue Barton, Hugh Hunkeler (Bev Bartel’s son-in-law, has detached retina), Christine Stevens (Clara Higgins’ sister in law diagnosed with cancer)

Collect of the Week

Stir up, O Lord, the wills of Your faithful people that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may by You be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Lord’s Prayer

Morning Prayer

I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.

Evening Prayer

I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that you have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that you would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have

no power over me. Amen.

Mealtime Prayer

The eyes of all look to You, O Lord, and You give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.

Lord God, heavenly Father, bless us and these Your gifts which we receive from Your bountiful goodness, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Next Weekend’s Readings

Trinity 25

Exodus 32:1-20

Psalm 14

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Matthew 24:15-28

“The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed” (Luke 17:20). You must use your ears and not your eyes. For God’s kingdom in this world is one of faith, and faith comes by hearing the Word of Christ. The people of Israel, however, wanted to walk not by faith but by sight. When Moses delayed in coming down the mountain, they decided to make a visible god for themselves, the golden calf (Ex. 32:1). Upon such faithless and false worshipers God’s judgment comes. Only on the Last Day will our faith be turned to sight. “For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man” (Matt. 24:27). The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, and He will gather His people to Himself, both the living and the dead. In a world in which our days are few and full of trouble (Job 14:1), let us comfort one another with these words of the resurrection and the coming of our Lord Jesus.

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