Bible Study: Daniel 7
The Book of Daniel
Chapter 7
16 December 2018
READ 7:1-8
Who has the vision this time? Why is this significant?
How many beasts are there and where do they come from?
What is consistent about the four beasts? What is different?
What should this vision remind us of from earlier in the book?
READ 7:9-14
Who is the “Ancient of Days?” How is His appearance described?
What does He sit on the throne to do?
What happens to the beasts?
Who is the Son of Man and where does He come from?
What kind of power does he have?
READ 7:15-22
What is the short explanation of the beasts and what they will do?
How long will the saints of the Most High possess the kingdom?
What happens when saints fight the fourth beast?
Does this last forever?
READ 7:23-28
How is the fourth beast disposed towed the saints of God?
How long will this beast have victory over the saints of God?
However, what is the end result?
Why was Daniel so disturbed by this vision?