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Bible Study: Service of the Sacrament Administration

The Service of the Sacrament

The Administration

1. The Lord’s Prayer

a. Why here in the service and not earlier, with the prayers, or Creed?

i. Because of it’s sacred nature

1. The prayer given to us by Jesus himself

2. The perfect prayer, given by the Truth himself

ii. It is a final preparation of hearts for believers to receive the sacrament

1. We call upon God as Father

2. We ask for all of the benefits we have been promised as heirs

b. Is it part of the consecration?

i. No

1. This is clearly not the purpose of the Lord’s Prayer

2. It isn’t the purpose of prayer in general

c. What options does the rubric give?

i. Why would we have the pastor sing or say the prayer?

1. It’s the same principle used throughout, that the pastor voice the prayers of the people

2. They then respond with the conclusion and amen.

ii. The congregation may also speak or sing the entire prayer

1. The keeps it clear that these words aren’t part of the consecration

2. Allows the faithful to pray the prayer they know best

2. The Words of Institution

a. Where do we find these words?

i. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and 1 Corinthians

1. The words are a harmony of these accounts

2. This assures that we include the words of Christ in their fullness

b. What do these words teach us?

i. The sacramental use (What do we do with it?)

1. “Take, eat,” “Drink of it all of you”

2. What does this prevent us from doing?

ii. The sacramental presence (What exactly are we receiving?)

1. “This is my body,” “This cup is the new testament in my blood”

2. What does this prevent us from believing?

iii. The sacramental benefit (Why gifts are here present?)

1. “Given for you,” “Which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins”

2. What do these words demand of us?

iv. The sacramental institution (Why do we keep doing it?)

1. “This do in remembrance of me,” “This do, as often you drink it in remembrance of me”

2. What are we remembering?

c. Why is this called the “consecration”?

i. To consecrate means, “To set aside for holy use”

ii. These elements have, by means of Jesus’ words, been set aside for us

d. Is the Lord’s Supper a recreation of Maundy Thursday? A reenactment?

i. No. We speak Jesus’ words, not to mimic, but because they are the forgiveness of sins for us.

ii. We aren’t seeking to recreate the first Holy Communion, but rather celebrate that meal again, and receive it’s benefits

Closing Prayer: Before Communing (Inside cover of hymnal)

*Notes taken from An Explanation of the Common Service, and The Lutheran Liturgy

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