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Convention Review

Opening Hymn: LSB 745

Psalm 26

Creed (Back Cover)

Lord’s Prayer (Back Cover)

66th Regular Convention of the LCMS, July 9-14 2016, Milwaukee Wisconsin

Notable Resolutions Passed

* To Protect Christian Consciences and Address Conscription of Women

o WHEREAS, Biblical objections to women being required to serve in the military in general or to serve in combat positions in particular have been voiced by many Christians, including members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), based on scriptural concerns about the complementary yet ordered relationship between man and woman (Gen. 1–2); the requirement given to husbands, not wives, to love in a manner that emulates the sacrifice of Christ for His Bride, the Church (Eph. 5); and the Scripture’s teaching on marriage, family, and vocation (Prov. 31:10–31; Titus 2:3–5; etc.); and

o Resolved, That there is biblical and theological support for individuals in the LCMS conscientiously to object (1) to a woman’s service in the military in general or (2) to a woman in the military being required to serve in a combat capacity or (3) to a woman being required to register for military service and being subject to a possible draft; and be it further

o Resolved, That the LCMS support those who have a religious and moral objection 2 to women participating in the selective service system and being subject to a possible draft, and encourage lawmakers to provide protection in this matter for Lutherans and other Christian women to conscientiously object when they determine (1) that they cannot serve in the military or (2) that they cannot serve in good conscience in a combat capacity or (3) that they cannot in good conscience register for military service and be subject to a possible draft (see also CTCR, Civil Obedience and Disobedience [1966]).

* To Regularize the Status of Licensed Lay Deacons Involved in Word and Sacrament Ministry

o There is a short history in our church (since 1989 convention) of Districts licensing lay-men (“deacons”) to carry out the duties of the Office of the Holy Ministry in times or places of great need where no pastor can be found.

o Sadly, this provision has been greatly abused. There are examples of Licensed Lay Deacons preaching, teaching, and administering the sacraments for years on end, in situations that can in no way be called an emergency.

o The solution proposed and affirmed by the Convention was to work to ordain these men through the different routes already available in the Synod. The goal is to keep men serving where they are, but to do it in ways that are faithful to the Scriptures and Confessions.

* District Convention Attendance Restriction on Voting for Synod President Removed

o The current bylaw meant that we had no vote for Synod President this convention and the amended bylaw will change that

* Relationships With other Church Bodies

o Altar and Pulpit fellowship with the Lutheran Church in Norway and the Lutheran Church of Uruguay

o Church plants in Guatemala, Venezuela, and Kazakhstan were recognized as self-governing partner churches.

o The Lutheran church in Chile was also recognized as a partner church

* Thoughts on Ecclesial Supervision

Closing Prayer: Luther’s Morning Prayer, pg. 327

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