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Bible Study: His Cross and Ours

Opening Hymn: LSB 797 Praise the Almighty

Psalm 84

Creed (Back Cover)

Lord’s Prayer (Back Cover)

1) His Cross

a) Why does Peter rebuke Jesus?

i) How does this contradict what he’d just confessed?

(1) Explain why Jesus calls Peter “Satan”

(2) What is the will of Satan?

ii) How must all who desire eternal life be like Jesus?

(1) What do we give up?

(2) What do we receive?

2) The Transfiguration

a) Describe what Peter, James, and John saw

i) What was revealed to them at time?

(1) Why had it been concealed before?

(2) What do we call this?

ii) What do Moses and Elijah represent?

(1) What does this have to do with Jesus?

(2) How does this actually point forward, rather than back toward the Old Testament?

b) How do the three Disciples react?

i) What does the voice of the Father say?

(1) What does this remind us of?

(2) How are the two connected?

ii) Why does Jesus comfort the disciples?

(1) How does this explain the whole point of what has happened?

(2) How will this be like what will happen at the cross?

c) Why do the disciples bring up Elijah?

i) Who does Jesus say has already come?

(1) What happened to him?

(2) What will happen to Jesus?

ii) How does this whole scene confirm what Peter first confessed in 16:16?

Closing Prayer: Luther’s Morning Prayer, pg. 327

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