Bible Study: Romans 1
The Book of Romans
Chapter 1
21 January 2018
READ 1:16-20
What is the Gospel the POWER of?
How does it do this?
Is faith a work?
How then are we righteous?
What is else is revealed from Heaven from God?
How is it revealed?
What two things is the wrath of God against?
How is the wrath of God “plain” to us?
READ 1:21-25
How does one exchange the glory of God for the things of the earth?
What does it mean that God, “gave them up”?
What will be the end result of this?
How does God accomplish His will in this way?
READ 1:26-32
First God gave them up to their “lusts” now what does He give them up to?
How do their passions show their idolatry?
Was homosexuality a problem during Paul’s life?
What does this show us about our current problems?
What does God give them up to next?
How is this the culmination of their idolatry?
In vs. 32, how does Paul describe just how bad sin controls a person?