Bible Study: Romans 2:12-29
The Book of Romans
5 February 2018
READ 2:12-16
On what basis will God judge?
How is this equalizing among men?
How is one righteous according to the law?
Is this any comfort to Jew or Gentile?
Can we hide anything from God?
READ 2:17-24
What do the Jews pride themselves on?
How does this act as a judge against them?
Are those who teach held to a higher standard?
How is, “The name of God blasphemed among the Gentiles because of [the Jews]?”
How can Christians today relate to this?
READ 2:25-29
What was the point of circumcision?
How can it become uncircumcision?
What is the equivalent for Christians?
What, ultimately is the mark of one who follows God?
For Jew? Gentile?
For the Christian?