Bible Study: Romans 4:13-25
The Book of Romans
4 March 2018
READ 4:13-15
Upon whom did the promise given to Abraham depend?
Is that the law or the gospel?
Why does Paul say that this matters?
What happens to the faith if we only get what we deserve?
What does the law bring?
READ 4:16-18
Who are the offspring of Abraham?
Who is able to have faith?
Why is this so comforting?
What does, “In hope, he believed against hope” mean?
READ 4:19-21
Just how impossible was the promise God made to Abraham?
How did this fact strengthen Abraham’s faith?
How can we relate to this?
READ 4:22-25
Did Abraham ever doubt?
What do you imagine he relied on in those moments?
What promises has God made to you?