Bible Study: Romans 8:1-17
The Book of Romans
13 May 2018
READ 8:1-4
How is the law weakened by the flesh?
What, therefore can it not do?
What did Christ do to sin and death, and therefore the law?
Did Jesus sin? What word tells us the answer?
For whom is the law fulfilled?
READ 8:5-8
What is the difference between the flesh and the Spirit?
Why is the flesh hostile to God, and cannot please him?
READ 8:9-11
How do we know that the Spirit of God dwells in us?
Having the Spirit, what do we have that is life for us?
Who raised Jesus from the dead?
How does He raise us from the dead?
READ 8:12-17
Paul brings back the debtor/slave language he used before. What makes this time different?
What do we have claim of if we’re the children of God?
To whom do we look to see our inheritance?
What must we do to be glorified with Him?