Bible Study: Daniel Chapter 10
The Book of Daniel
Chapter 10
20 January 2019
READ 10:1-9
What is significant about when Daniel receives this vision?
What is the vision called, and how is it characterized?
What is Daniel’s physical state at this point in time? What is causing his distress?
Who does Daniel see and how is He described?
What happened to the others with Daniel? Daniel?
READ 10:10-14
Who strengthens Daniel? What does He say to comfort him?
Why should Daniel not fear?
What delayed this Man in coming? Who was fighting with Him?
What other passage of Scripture does this remind us of?
What is meant by “latter days?”
READ 10:15-21
What does this Man do for Daniel again, and then again?
What is this Man doing for the people of God?
Is this how we picture spiritual warfare?
When the Persians are defeated, who else will God have to contend with?
What is the gracious promise God gives?
Where is it found?