Bible Study: The Book of Hebrews
The Book of Hebrews
Chapter 1
3 March 2019
READ 1:1-4
How is Jesus identified? What words are used to describe him?
Why would the writer take such pains to establish who Jesus is?
What has Jesus done?
Who does this place Him above?
What else does He have that’s more excellent than theirs?
READ 1:5-14
Where are all these quotations from? How many are there?
Who are they all about?
What is the writer trying to establish? Why would that be necessary?
What does it mean to be “begotten?” How does that differ from created?
What is Jesus called in v. 6? How does this help explain why He is an “heir?”
Do angels have power? What do they do with it?
How does this differ from the power of the Son?
Where does the Son sit? What does He do there?
How will happen to all created things? What about God?
What, finally, is the work of the angels, as described in v. 14?
Whom do they serve?
Have you ever considered this? How does it bring us comfort?